Tuesday, August 16, 2011
My laptop stuck on a blank screen with a blinking white underscore, help please!?
Well all I did was turn my laptop by the start menu then I turned it back on the next day, it went straight to the blank screen with the white blinking underscore. I've tried everything, from f123456789101112, to unplugging my laptop taking out the battery holding the power on for 30 to 2 minutes putting the battery back in & pressing the power on & still nothing. Please help me out here, I can't afford to get a techniction to fix it for me so please help. :[
Rate my OU Pokemon Team?
Well I would really go with Flamethrower with Infernape, since it will also have same type attack bonus, it's power will become high enough to kill your opponent. Also you should have given Electrivire Magnet Rise to Levitate and avoid getting hit by ground type moves which is its only weakness. I don't get why you chose Protect for Gengar, i mean the only thing Protect does is slow down the match unless you have a move like Subsitute to make a combo. I don't get why you wasted time on Salamance's Sp. Attack, I mean it's attack of course will go higher, and come on, Fire Blast and Hydro Pump both have poor accuracy.
Hair question! (for curly/wavy hair)?
Wow! I have the exact same hair as you....and the same thing happens to me. All you need to do is after you wet it you need to put conditioner in it and leave some it but not all. (I recommend Pantene Curls) Then get a 3 way comb (its like big unlike other combs) and you wanna comb it while its still wet. Then Maybe plat it and keep it in for about 6-7 hours let it dry and then take it out.....and you will have beautiful natural curls! :) Hope this helps! :)
Seems like every team but the Lakers have an "enforcer" that makes them tough with his presence.?
Who on the Lakers could be an "enforcer" or who would they be able to get as an "enforcer" in a trade?
What can you say about this person?
This person claims to have religion and talks about it all the time, and throws in a verse or two during conversation. But often, this person is snooty and looks down on certain individuals, even though they too are Christians. Does this person truly have religion, or is this person a poser, using religion as a means to justify the ends?
Will customs open my package?
I sent a package to my husbands apo address with a customs form. The clerk said that it was okay not to list all of the contents, just what I could remember. I didnt write in the quantity but I put in mac and cheese hard candy etc, I especially forgot to put in cell phone and marked the item as a gift. Subconsciously I didnt want the item to be stolen either, because my post office always loses shipments. The box was a large flat rate and the medium box is what had all of the contents in it, I put it inside the large box and wrapped it, as an anniversary gift. Well, now I am worried that since I didnt write cell phone that customs will see it on x ray and seize it and ruin the wrapped packaging inside the large box :( Will they think its a bomb and seize it and also turn it on etc? Does anyone know? I am freaking out and wondering if I can call customs, tell them my label number so I can tell them I forgot to list cell phone. I am freaking out, big time and the whole purpose of the package was to have him be able to call home.
Evolutionists: Do you really believe your textbooks and magazines when they say things like this?
If we truly examine how we come to the conclusions we do regarding EITHER God OR evolution, we use a type of reasoning called "inductive" reasoning rather than the regular logical "deductive" reasoning. And we have to use this in both cases because not all of the facts are presented to us so that we can properly deduce something from the evidence. We actually are in a position that constrains us to think from the position where we find ourselves and go backwards from it, rather than starting from the beginning and moving forwards.
Is all Dems know how to do is shirk responsibility?
They can shirk all they want, responsible governors will continue to make cut backs and do their job, which they were elected to do, which is stop the runaway spending in the government sector.
Science Question !?!?!??!?
How can i learn to speak with different accents?
i dont want to speak in accents the typical way most people try to do it... but i want to sound like a real frenchman, italian, or whatever i want to sound like. i know it comes down to alot of times, how the person was taught english, like by a person from the UK or somewhere else... but how do i find out how to speak like that, and practice it? thank you!
I have the most stunning/amazing/gorgeous girlfriend ever, but i hate being seen in public with her. Help me?
Not because i am embarred by her, but because she always receives loads of attention when we're are out in public together and to be honest, it bother's me. I don't know if it is because i am insecure about being with her because of how attractive she is or maybe i feel she could do better, but i have only started to feel like this when i started dating her. To be honest i am a good looking guy (not to be conceited) but i am comfortable with my looks, but it's just i want to shake off this feeling of insecurity when i'm with her in public. I see all these guys ogling at her and staring, and it really p!sses me off because i feel like i can't go anywhere with her without she is always being leered at, and not just by young guys, but also by older/mature men too. I see this sh!t out of the corner of my eye and i just wish they would stop that cr@p! and get on with their days. Arrggghhh it makes me so angry thinking about it and she doesn't even know how i feel because i try not to make it obvious i'm affected by it, but sometimes when we're out in the shopping center i just want to grab her and go back home. Btw i'm 22 and she is 23, and she is a underwear model/aspiring actress, but honestly i love her to bits and she is so stunningly gorgeous that there are not many everyday girls that come close to her looks, personality, appearance, dress sense etc etc. Anyway, if you could give some advice, that would be awesome! Thank you.
I need some reviews on the peavey tko and tnt b amps?
I was thinking about buying one of them. I was impressed with the features of these amps but got a little curious on why so loud an amp would be that cheap (300-400$). Anyways please hit me up with some reviews.
Agreeable Personality?
As my partner says (and this is her personality as well) it's called amiability. But when combined with a bit of a strong backbone...it gives you the chance to "agree to disagree" with people who don't necessarily share your ideas, ethics or morals. You can pull this off with intelligence and maturity, once you are firmly seated on where you stand on many issues. Then you are still viewed as a "nice" person but not a doormat. Just my thoughts...and experience.
Questions on the 50 caliber?
The McMillian Tac-50 has a Muzzle velocity of 2700 Feet per second with a 750 grain .50 cal bullet. The Barrett Model 82 has 2799 Fps, Barrett Model 95 has 2801 fps. So it varies just a little bit. Hopes this helps a bit.
Can you use the whole branch of a mimosa hostilis root tree to extract dmt?
You could, but there's not a whole lot of DMT in the branches. What you want to focus on is the root-bark
Didja know sodomy was illegal in America?
Yes, also adultery and also abortion, even now certain types are still illegal but sadly they are still happening. It seems like you have to tolerate almost anything to be politically correct. That is with the exception of one. That one being christianity.
Does the over the counter supplement Milk Thistle really promote healthy liver function or is that a myth?
ABSOLUTELY!!! I was on a lot of pain pills and tylenol 3(which is one of the worst meds on your liver) for over five years and drank like a fish for way too many years. Due to my mother I have taken Milk Thistle for many years. About 3 months after I was off of my pain meds the dr.s checked my liver due to all of the pills I was taking and they themselves could not believe how my liver was in such good shape.
Do your ferrets ever have just, bad days?
My rabbit does that sometimes. Some days he's melow and sweet and sometimes he's the killer bunny from Monty Python.
If you had a chance to go back in time, which historical person would you like to have a...?
Basically, I would like to find out from where and how did he obtain his resolve and abilities to successfully see the big picture and contradict prevailing naval doctrine of his time, resulting in 4 extremely important Naval victories for the English (Cape St Vincent, The Nile, Copanhagan and Trafalgar) The last of which literally determined the eventual out come of the Napolianoc Wars and shaped the direct future of Europe, The United States and the future development of the entire world.
How do you read Ted Dekker's whole Showdown series?
There is the Circle Trilogy (black red and white), the Lost Books (chosen infidel renegade and chaos), and the Paradise Books (showdown saint and sinner). I found out the Lost Books go in between Black and Red, so now I ask: What is the actual order?? Please help.
High Neutrophils and low Lymphocytes doctors help?
Hi I'm 34 years old and since last november I been having low grade fever that comes and goes.. Never pes 100.1 and when I get blood work done at the ER I always have a high Neutrophils count always in the range of the 70.0 to 85.0 my highest goes up and down and my Lymphocytes is low under 20.0 same goes up then back down and at times my WBC is high and sometimes normal..? I'm so confused about this the doctor said my blood work is always normal but then I look at the report myself and it says either a H next to it or L meaning high and low. My question is can any cancer be causing this? Tumors? Lymphoma or leukemia? I'm been very concer cause I been not feeling myself well lately but no doctor finds anything wrong with me? I feel lumps on my neck had MRI ct scan etc and all comes back fine. Had an ultrasound done. They found a Subcentimeter nodule on my left lobe doctor says very low rusk.. That same side I can feel a lump foc says a muscle another says lymph node scans says it's fine? Also my wife has had HPV 3 years backs when tested I don't know if this has anything to do with any of this I been scared and so stressed with no answers any doctors can tell me should I be worried with my blood work the lumps etc?? I weight almost 200lbs my weight seems to always go up and down lately last I checked was 195lb when I eat goes up and the next day goes back down I do drink alot of water and sometimes I do eat once or twice a day don't know if that is related but someone anyone plz help if you can thank you! Much peace and love! God bless!
Help! How strong is elmer's glue?
What up, i was thinking it would be funny to glue my roomates stuff to his desk like a cup and post it's, maybe a stapler. it's just basic elmer's glue like from elementary school. will he be able to pull the stuff off pretty easily?
Is this considered an authentic tafseer?
Well, I have no clue about that. But Tafsir Ibn-e Kathir, Tafsir Al Fauz-ul Kabir by Shah Wali-ullah are counted as reliable.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Anyone having noise issues with their F150?
i got a 97 f150. it makes a vibrating noise on takeoff. i don't know if it's the clutch (which needs replaced anyway) or something underneath rattling. anyone else got issues like this?
Is this normal at this stage in pregnancy?
Well, I am 37 weeks pregnant with my third child, I will be 38 weeks on Tuesday,but for some reason, my son has not dropped at all. With my first pregnancy,she didn't show any signs of coming, but did a c-section 5 days before my due date due to severe preeclampsia. With my second child, I felt completely normal one day and the next day, I woke up to find that my water had broken and that was 8 days before the due date. Now, I just had my prenatal checkup two days ago, and the doctor said that my cervix is still closed. Should I be worried, considering that this is my third pregnancy? Has this happened to anyone?
Why does my hair feel waxy and how can I treat it?
I don't know why but my hair always feels waxy after my hair drys from a shower. I use Pantene Pro-v medium to thick 2-in-1 shampoo or about 2 months and I also use Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum or something like that. Paul Mitchell helps a little bit compared to when I dont use it but my hair still feels waxy. Can you tell me why it's like this and how I can treat it?
What should I do, this is all very confusing?
The woman I sit next to at work is pleasant enough but she has recently been ping threatening notes to me. The latest note read: "Why must you continue to exist you pathetic specimen". This is all very confusing as she is really nice to me when we chat. Her threats have gone beyond words and she has recently drawn a picture of a man jumping off a cliff with an arrow and my name over it. She makes a point of farting as she walks past me and has on at least four occasions purposely vomited on my desk. She spits in my Coffee and tells everyone that I'm in to weird with midgets, foliage and wildlife. What I really need to know is how should I best propose to her?
How do i keep a relationship?
Well keep it mysterious in a good way. Dont have the guy thinking you dont like him or something. As long as you make sure the mystery doesn't effect the relationship in a bad way, then it sounds good. Dont fall into a schedule everyday. Greet eachother in different ways everyday. Talk about different stuff. And physicaly take different routes. Let things or events pop up out of no where. Yes planning out is nice, and it should be done. But if theres nothing going on, let some activities or conversations come out of the blue. It'll keep things twisting, in a good way. I think I may start doing this for myself again. Thanks for reminding me, and good luck.
Lightyears to Astronomical Units????
I have an exam tomorow and I was wondering how to transfer lightyears to astronomical units and vice versa. Please explain in as much detail as possible because I don't understand it AT ALL
Is National Treasure 2 a Government Input to Hollywood Conspiracy Thoery Movie?
National Treasure 2: I think this is a government input to Hollywood Conspiracy Theory Movie: It talks of General Custard and the Indians of North Dakota are prejudicial against white folks because three whites walking down the street in North Dakota constitutes a war party. There was Abraham Lincoln and he was a follower of Reform Party Hero George Lippard. There was a Statue of Liberty in France and the French help Afganistan plus had Jean-Jacque Rosseau. A desk in Bukingham Palace where First Lady Hillary Clinton and President Clinton gave the Queen a Social Contract visit and slammed the Bloody British for not providing a British Governor to Pennsylvania in 1681 and removing the heredity of law. What about the Magna Carta? There was a desk in the Oval Office who are powerless to do anything about North Dakota. There was Mount Vernon where Thomas Jefferson owned black slaves. I didn't kidnap the President he just took my book door to door in Pennsylvania. Abigale says "Sew" a lot.
Would you rather have a paid sharpshooter or coyotes introduced?
I would rather have a season and let the state make the money to fund other wildlife programs...but that's right, hunters and guns are bad. Coyotes won't bring down a full grown deer and have a heck of a time getting close to a fawn without momma stomping it to death. They don't hunt in packs except in extreme cases and / or a lot of cross breeding with dogs. In some areas with regulated seasons like NE and KS there can still be problems with controlling the population, although not near as bad as the anti-gun areas. It's kind of miraculous that in these areas when there started being a deer population issue big cat sightings started happening more and more. Cougars aren't native to those areas at all but I've even seen people asking about them on YA. If that holds true you might start seeing some big kitties in your neck of the woods.
Wh would you love to see fight.?
I'd like to watch harry and draco step into the octagon. that's just me. or those two vs a shaolin monk. ha ha i can imagine that they would both be hospitalized for a month!
Is this really legal?
If a parenting plan and divorce decree have been signed by a judge, even though the petitioner has declared in both doents (I'm uming she did it simply out of ignorance) that the court has no jurisdiction, wouldn't that make the orders null and void? And another question. Can the petitioner list a certain attorney as the court ordered mediator (instead of the standard county mediation provider) and then after the divorce is final, hire that attorney to keep trying to screw with the respondent? Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest for that lawyer/mediator to represent either one of them? And 1 last question. A year and a half after this "divorce" was finalized the petitioner asked the respondent to sign a quit claim deed for the property awarded to her, and he agreed as long as she would sign one for the property awarded to him. She called and told him she had the papers signed at her lawyers office and just needed his signature. He took time off work to get there just to find out that the only paperwork was for the land she wanted, nothing pertaining to his. He refused to sign and now she's threatening to take him to court and get lawyers fees from him? How can she do that when he made a good faith effort to sign the papers and she lied to him and tried to trick him into signing them even though she had no intention of signing the others?
How do you build a storage building out of cinder blocks?
a href="http://www.thenaturalhome.com/drystackblock.htm" rel="nofollow"http://www.thenaturalhome.com/drystackbl…/a
Can Coopers Australian Stout Beer Kit, Hopped Malt Concentrate make the beer without extra purchases?
I am curious if any additional purchases need to be made to complete the beer. I know that corn sugar is a necessity for carbonation and i'm curious if anything else is necessary.
In the Florida drivers test in manatee county do you have to parallel park?
Does not really matter... How will you be able to afford the gas to even get to the driving test????
Rock Types??? HELP!!?!?!?!?
Okay, so Iggy is an igneous rock during the last ice age. He's formed in an oceanic rift, like in Greenland. That's how you can fit in plate tectonics. In the second paragraph, he experiences both physical and chemical weathering. Physical: freeze-thaw cycle breaks him into pieces. Chemical: glacial river dissolves him and washes him downstream. In the next paragraph, he is deposited in a glaciomarine delta. That's deposition. The sea level recedes as the glacier melts and the area experiences rebound, and that delta becomes a soil as organic matter is added.
My puppy won't stop biting...?
One thing I absolutely don't tolerate in my puppies is putting teeth on people. A quick grab of the muzzle and "no bite" for about three days gets the point across. Use as needed as a reminder. You're not grabbing hard enough to hurt the puppy, just enough to let them know that the behavior is unacceptable. A few seconds of ignoring the puppy after the correction is plenty of "punishment" in their little heads.
Who Do You Think Will Be The Next Doctor Who?
I think the next Doctor will be David Morrissey, who just happens to be playing a character called "The Doctor" in this year's Christmas special titled "The Next Doctor". What better way to introduce the 11th Doctor than have him working alongside the current Doctor a few stories before he regenerates?
i have absolutly had it with the admins at our skool. They have bloked everything including google image and im sik of it. i need a solution like a hak or something im of it. by the way 99% of the proxys are bloked and i cannot access task manager.... and solutions helpfull
How do i open a file with mdf. extention?
i used winrar to open a program i downloaded but when i went to open it, it had an mdf. extention anstead of an iso
Mosquito or what bite?
so i went to Yosemite yesterday and i got bit buy something a lady there said it was a mosquito but the redness around the bite is about the size of my hand now is that right i never seen a mosquito bite that big
When will the Rizal Memorial Stadium get finished?!?
February, 2010, La Salle announced that they are going to renovate the stadium, to make it a full football stadium. it is already Decmber, is it finished? i want some updates about it.
Why doesn't Ping/Telnet work in PPPOE Connection? Is there any way to make it work?
Why doesn't Ping/Telnet work in PPPOE Connection? Is there any way to make it work? If not, is there any alternative like Putty that can be used?
How do I choose which colour Converse to get?
There are so many. I know black's always an option, but it's just been done. How do I choose a colour Ill always enjoy? And wont look tattered and ugly after 2 wears?
You think its to late to be trained as a monk in china?
i was wondering if its to late to go to china and train as a monk but not to actually adopt the faith but just undergo some of the training, like bone toughness. im 18 in my body to old to reconstrct the bone structure with intense physical training
Being chivalrous... when is it necessary?
You did not need to stop. This is not a question of chivalry. The girls were wrong to interfere with your run, especially as you made it clear (by not engaging them) that you were not interested in running with them. Hopefully they learned their lessons.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Business loan question?
Im 20 and plan on opening a barbershop within the next year or two, I'll have the money to open it but was wondering, should I pay for everything with cash or get a business loan and pay it off with the money I would have spent? Will the loan be beneficial to my credit score?
How do i keep my hair straight throughout the whole day?
okay so i don't straighten my hair EVERY day so dont spazz on me, but when i do, i tend to put it up sometimes.. and like 20 minutes later when i pull it out of the ponytail, theres a big dent it it. i know lots of people that like when they straighten their hair it stays straight even if thy put it in braidss and i really want my hair to be like that haha(: also, when i straighten my hair i make this little inwards flip at the bottom, and it tends to flip outwards or just go flat halfway through the day. So my question is: are there any products that could make my hair stay straight all day? or is it just the way my hair is that it molds into whatever shape it's put in? sorry that im rambling hahaa.. but ALSOOO please dont say hairspray because it always makes my hair sticky and un-soft. Thanks so much and sorry that this is so longg... hehe(:
How do i start to work my beginner horse up to doing extensions and collections within each gait comortably?
I have a beginner horse and i want to be able to do extensions and collections within each gait. How do i do this? what should i be doing to work my horse up to this? i know it will take time and patience, and im commited to that. but i need help training my horse on my own. i cant afford a trainer, so i am my own horses trainer.
Where is the keypad code on the 2002 mercury mountaineer?
Someone got it close. It's on the Keyless Entry Module, which should be inside the rear interior panel on the left. It's a sticker that's actually on the module
Emails From People I Know, But They Have Not Sent Them?
MSM is notorious for sending out spam from peoples accounts due to a virus, you need to just delete them or else it will be doing it from your account as well
Whats your belief about death/afterlife? what do you think happens when we die?
theres many religions around the world, each touting their own unique perspective about what happens to us when we die. but apartheid from these beliefs, do you only believe in whats preached about death and the afterlife on your own religion you practice, or have you formed your own theories about it? when we die, are we instantaneously transported to some afterlife world? is our soul presented to a great deity to be judged based upon the actions weve made in our lifetime to determine where our soul will spend eternity at? or when we die, is that it, we are simply dead and there is no such thing as an afterlife. In Christianity, its mentioned that Christ will come to again to judge the living and the dead, and that the dead will rise...so does this imply that when someone dies, their soul is basically left in some sort of suspended animation/hibernation, until Judgment Day arrives when Christ will then release this soul hibernation phase, and then at that point the souls are judge and determined where they will go?
How to get dried up Shout off my dorm floor?
I would try some straight vinegar and let it set overnight and see if that at least loosens it. Don't do this if your floor is wood.
Would anyone else like to see a prequel to Red Dead Redemption?
A prequel to the story of John Marston, or related -- I just can't imagine how they'd set up a sequel involving Jack Marston.
Cosplay help (details inside) ~?
I agree with MH, cosplay who you want to! That's the fun of cosplay. You don't have to look like someone, until you put on the costume.
Has anyone heard of "Head of the Cl" curriculum?
I am looking into homeschooling my kindergartener. Is the Head of the Cl curriculum ( a href="http://www.theheadofthecl.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.theheadofthecl.com/a ) meant to be used as base curriculum, or is it meant to be supplemental? Thanks!
Book about Revelation?
I know if you study Daniel with Revelation (they are sister books) you will be further enlightened in your study of His Word :-) or you can go to amazingfacts.org:-)
Will the people from St Thomas ( USA) be considered part of Uncle Sam or SOME people will call them?
They are a part of Uncle Sam. I do not consider this inflammatory at all. I think so many people forget this is also a part of the US as is Puerto Rico. So many beautiful cultures and people. I love Calypso music!
Can you get your ears pierced a third time at wal-mart? :)?
Ive gotten my ears pierced twice on my lope, like just regular, and both times were done at wal-mart and i know they don't do cartilage piercings so i was just wandering if they did just like a regular third one or would i have to go to a tattoo place.
Beauticians, how to go from this to this? (hair pics included)?
For a less dramatic effect I'd recommend a shade of mohogany, for a brighter more dramatic effect and considering your going to Sally's *which is like the ebst place ever!!* i'd probably buy something close to just straight red, like bright crayola crayon red, not like red-head red. Since your hair is a darkish brown, it would add a tint so it would look about like that girls in the picture :)
What is the best job for me?
you need to take an apptitude test to learn if you like outside, inside, desk, physical, work with ppl or alone, etc...
Last night's lost finale!?
I was thinking it was gonna be Sayid who would die, not Juliet. I am heartbroken over this. If Sawyer never meets her, he will never grow as a man and she will never fall in love w/him. How sad. Also, does this mean Desmond is stuck on the island?
Good songs for guitar?
what are some good TABS for guitar, NOT CHORDS. I am not that good. what are some songs like otherside by red hot chili peppers, good riddance by green day, and hey there delilah by the plain white tee's?
Is there some way to complain about people on yahoo answers?
this annoying girl totally trolled a serious question i asked, and it really irritated me because i am actually looking for serious input on it. she is answering hundreds of questions with simply the word 'points' to get, as implied, points. she has done this to loads of questions, and it's just annoying to see someone being that selfish and wasting other people's time to get virtual points. is there some way i can complain to the admins or something about her?
My needle won't move nor will the wheel! How can I fix it?
I was in mid project and it jammed. I got the bobbin and casing of that out. I can't undo the needle, it is on there too tight! The wheel won't move but a smidge in either direction. I took the outside casing off and found that the rod that comes up from the needle inside is barely moving...Maybe that is it?!?! Anyway, how do I fix this or is it a lost cause?
Pestering filipino relatives?
The trouble with Philippine culture is that on the family level, we operate on the communist ideal. That is, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. That would be very hard to change. But try reminding your mom of the saying that "charity begins at home" and that her responsibilities are to her immediate family first, especially her children. But if she has something in excess of what she needs to adequately provide for your needs, I think you won't be able to convince her to abandon her sister. I'm sure if the situations were reversed, she might have called upon her sister to give her that same chance.
It has been six years. How long do I have to bend over and take it.?
I've been divorced six years and he is still trying to control my life! I wrote in court(almost seven years ago) that I would change time sharing with the kids if his work schedule changed. He's changing it EVERY six to three months. He swears to the lawyers that it is part of his job to continually change his schedule. It isn't, I talked to someone he once worked with and the schedule changes are optional (that person just moved to Scotland). I've had to change MY work and school schedule to accommodate him. I got the kids a lawyer and he quit changing his schedule (for a month now) however this lawyer feels I should still be accommodating him. What the hell! I understand people have unforeseen cirstances but every few months he wants to start planning for his time with the kid (I'm supposed to be grateful for notice). How he has it now is he changed his work schedule so gets the kids every day off he has and I never have them on a day off. It is affecting my schooling. I'm just so sick of this every other month he will tell the lawyer something awful about me. Last month he said I was neglecting the children. Well the lawyer and CYFD investigated and guess what the kids are healthy happy and doing well in school. They checked my clean home and my stocked refrigerator (I had no notice of when they would come) . I get they have to investigate and I'm glad they do. I'm not blaming them but what is he going to hit me with next. I don't drink (personal choice, I hate the taste) and he said I was on drugs! I had to go take a pee test. It was negative. I've have to take three pee tests each time negative. Every other month something is new. I'm getting really stressed and school is hard. I'm losing sleep to study. What can I do?
Do you think we are living in the end times?
Yes, but then again we have been living in the end times for 2000 years, the earthquakes mean nothing simply because they have happened throughout history. The only reason they are more noticeable now is because they are happening in larger populated areas.
Are bully sticks safe?
I have always kept my dogs away from rawhide, because I am affraid they might choke. Also because GiGi becomes a psycho freak and will bite your face off if you go near her when she has one. I went to the vet today though and he recommended bully sticks for their teeth since brushing isn't doing as well as it should. My question is are they safe? I have never used them, but it seems like once they get small, they could get lodged in the throat. I just gave my girls some and my ferocious rawhide beast won't even touch them.
Anybody wana play Modern Warfare: Reflex on wii with me?
FINNNNAAAALLLLLY ok my friend code is 478180047572....i will add u as soon as i get on ....im really good with a mini-uzi and i am first prestieiged level 53 cant wait to get playin with ya
Legal challenge to the Lisbon Treaty ratification?
The treaty is not dead and gone. They will just fudge it to make it acceptable to the Irish. It goes like this. Firstly they will poll the Irish to find about the source and reasons for the no vote, then they will change the agreement to accomodate the objections, then they will 'invite' the Irish to have another referendum, which will be paid for by the EEC. However as this has already been done with regard to Holland and France, the final doent will not really be the Lisbon Treaty as originally intended.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Do you have a favorite constellation? What is it?
Ciopeia simply cause I'm a 동방신기 fan. And Ciopeia (카시오페아 in Korean) is the name of their fan-club.
SURVEY: Best concert you've ever been too?
The best concert I've been too was to see Audio Adrenaline, Mercy Me, and Aaron Shust on the Adios tour. It was the last tour Audio Adrenaline was doing before they broke up for good. It was AWESOME!!!
Do girls prefer growers or showers when it comes to es?
we really couldn't care less, were more concerned by what size it is erect, its size when soft doesn't effect us at all. i've never discussed or even taken any notice of the size of a guys when soft.
Whats the Gaelic translation of Wildcat?
I need this information for a novel... please could anyone tell me. Using online dictionaries and translators I get different things. So far I have alltacatt.
Pregnant Guinea Pig {Please read/answer!}?
Yes i'm really sure shes pregnant i'm not entirely sure about inbreeding but it dosent look like she's in much harm here's a site!
CHRiSTMAS WiSHLiST?!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?
i think you already have enough on your list and if you need to ask random people for suggestions for stuff you cant think of yourself then you really dont need it.
Best instrument to see if I have any musical talent at all?
my old music teacher told me drums are good for rhythm, but they are quite loud. lots of people start of playing guitar or keyboard. you seem interested in keyboard, so why not go for it?
What is she thinking?
she sounds like she's trying to be nice but she doesn't really want to be involved with you. maybe you should give her some space for a little while and see where it goes.
Are riot police going to be prepared and ready tomorrow night?
They probably should be, I'm scared. This election seems to have riled up a lot of emotions. I fear some people might go nuts out of some unfounded fears.
Poll: tragus or conch piercing?
If you don't know what that is, the tragus is the part of your ear you press on to plug your ears and the conch is the inner "shell" of your ear. Hopefully that helps :S
H1n1 vaccine anybody had bad reactions after it? I'm only 39yrs (f) not wanting the end up situation I got!?
stories like this is why i refused it few weeks back. i suffer from C.F and didn't want to end up more ill then what i was. Rather risk it and take my chances with out it.
Bed Bugs - Can they travel on dogs/cats?
it depends more on the type of bug it is. they hide in small places so its possible that even if you have clean clothes on they could be in your suitcase and you would never know it. if they were on your dog or cat they would bite him/her and you would know it. if you think they might have it on them then it is best to check them and the collars as well. it might just be biting flies or something coming in through the screen or window or door/door cracks or something.
How do you like my story?
That's amazing work. In my opinion, it's very professional. I really would enjoy to read more. Great job :)
Are Marjoram and Oregano equivalent when cooking?
no they are not the same....oregano had a bold sharp taste and marjoram is mild and has a thyme like flavor.....however....i dont see a huge issue substituting one for the other.....its not like you are substituting with something like rosemary.
My question is about 383 stroker, and the best heads to use. 305 heads or Vortec 12558062 gm cast heads?
At this time i have a set of gm 305 heads and it runs great but i have to use hi octane gas and i am sure it is because of the high compression caused by these heads. I have a set of gm vortec heads with the #ers 12558062. would they be a better choice and would i loose or gain on the way it runs. As you can tell i'm not a real gear head yet.
How come Mr.Mcmahon never gets any crap for crowning himself the WWE/ECW champion?
yet Vince Russo and David Arquette gets a lot of crap for it. Now I know people will say Vince owns the WWE, So what Vince Russo basically owned WCW. Ted Turner didn't want to do anything with it so he gave 100% full control to Bischoff. Bischoff started to decline so Russo took over
What is Brian (Head) Welch's address
the guitarist from the band Korn who turned to God what is his address, email something and no stupid answers
Can you re-word/re-write this for me??? I want to say exactly what is written, just in a different way? -?
The author believes that the concept of both ways is brutal that could destroy a sanctity of marriage. Cohen also thinks that the concept of formal social arrangements mislead young people betraying ethic of modern relationships, instead of making them to choose independently.
How can i find my brother without payin a vast amount of money!?
my dad has a son n he only told me about him 3 years ago,my dad has visited him on a few occasions but when i mention that i want to meet my brother and that i want him in my life my dad says that he doesnt want me to meet him,maybe me looking for him my self is the wrong thing to do but that is the only way i'll ever get to know who my brother is...im prepared for the unacceptance that i might get but i still feel its something that i have to do,i live in the uk and its hard to find someone in the uk on the cheap like.could someone maybe recommend a website on where i could get a bit of help finding him,ive tried chatting with my dad but he changes the subject all the time,i cant see there being any problem to be honest but theres some reason...am i stupid to look for my older brother when my dad has said he doesnt want me to see him?by the way im not a little school kid im 20 yr old!
Modern warfare 2 question?
Wow dude. I am like identical. Except I like revolver tactical knife FMG for secondary. PS3 or xbox, id love to play you
Should a vegetarian and spouse pay for meals that include meat for the family?
A vegetarian in the family who doesn't eat meat because of animal cruelty has a spouse who eats meatless meals at home but eats meat outside the home. Very little meat--from restaurants--comes into the house. When their family visits, the vegetarian occasionally prepares a vegetarian meal for everyone, but sometimes everyone goes out to eat. (No meals with meat are prepared by the vegetarian or spouse.) People usually take turns paying the bill in restaurants so, in effect, the vegetarian is contributing to meat for a few people. Do you consider this normal, or do you think that there should be separate checks or perhaps that the vegetarian host shouldn't even give the option of going out to eat? The vegetarian's spouse is the primary breadwinner between the two of them. Please tell me if you are a vegetarian or not when you answer the question.
Im wanting to tint my taillights. Is it ok to use regular window tint for that?
Definately find out if its legal first! Some auto parts stores carry a spray on tint for tail and headlights. CHEAP and EASY
How do the British people feel about not being a world power?
After at least 100 years of being the most power full nation on earth Britain is now almost irrelevant on the world stage. How do the average Britons feel about this fact.
Hey girls! Would you marry for love or for money?
Love wins this battle, guy #1 for sure. Why marry #2 and always feel like your missing out on something? Material items are only temporary fixes, I bought myself a Rolex and it made me happy for a few weeks... #1 for sure.
What are the pros & cons of having a second child?
My sister and I were 2.5 years apart and we have always been close. I now have a 7 month old and am 11 weeks pregnant with number 2 (a surprise) and I am scared, but also excited. My kids will always be clsoe in age to play together, I can teach them both things at the same time, etc... your daughter is old enough about having a baby sister/brother, so if you feel the time is right, go for it.
Can you please make me an outfit from abercrombie and fitch?
I'm 14 so either a&f or a&f kids(: just a casual weekend outfit(: and i possible morethen one? It's just I have like noo outfits <3 im girly but casual and not too showy(: thankyous!<3
Gaming computer on a budget ($784)?
I would get a new PSU running at 650w-700w if you try and boot up with a 350w PSU sys will fail, also use windows XP, Vista Basic isn't very good also you will find that only 3 of the 4gigs of ram will come up unless you get a 64bit operating system.
How long can I leave my cats for on their own?
How long can I keep cats alone for? I am going away for two days this w/end but am worried about leaving the cats alone. They will have plenty of food and water but I don't have a catflap for them to go outside though they can use their litter trays. If they are going to suffer in any way I will make other arrangments but someone told me they should be fine. I'm a bit dubious.
Rate these boy's names please?
I like Gavin Carter, Oliver Jace, and Peyton Elijah. I'm really not too fond of the rest. However, I think Oliver Levi sounds better haha.
Friday, August 12, 2011
My girlfriend will not let me touch her or get intimate with her, what is her problem?
maybe she is shy and wants to be a virgin until she gets married. Or maybe you are right..maybe she was molested. Could be anything. Why dont you sit down and have a serious talk with her. Take her out some where private and be easy in asking her. If not, maybe ask some one who knows her well. Gott be something going on??? Good Luck
Mums, what advice would you give to someone BEFORE they have a baby?
I think you are very wise to be thinking like this! I don't think divorce has anything to do with having a baby or not - it's much more about having a different set of priorities. Babies are hard work, and if you have one when you are very young, you will miss out on some of the things of youth -- such as the freedom to go out when you want, and the freedom to put yourself first. That all goes when you have a child. My three children all waited until they were in their 30's to start their families and it is working out beautifully for them. They got all their travelling, partying and wild-oat-sowing before the children were born. I wish you the very best of happiness.
Model material? (pictures)?
Honestly the first picture i immediately thought yes but you don't really stand out beauty wise in group shots, i think it's because you look better with your hair down, but other than that YES
Microsoft Word 2010 help?
Try checking in C, Users, then YourUserName, then AppData, then Roaming, then Microsoft, then Word. If it's not there, its gone.
Did I really run the light?
I got tunnel vision because I was too tired while driving. It had rained a little bit earlier that day. It was 3 am. I saw that I had about 30 feet to go to the intersection when I noticed the light was red, so I braked and my car hydroplaned and I lost control. I skidded all the way up to the light and my car went about halfway over the crosswalk. Some flashes went off so I know the camera took pictures. Did it get pictures of my license plate since I wasnt in the intersection? If the police review it will they cancel it since I attempted to stop and I lost control of my car. I was going the speed limit by the way...i was going 40. I just happened to stop too quickly. Please help!
Where can I find apricot nectar in Singapore?
Anyone of the Italian bakery/deli shops, I bought it there when I worked in Singapore back in the 1980's, just check the local directory as to the one closest to you.
Where can I find personalized Steelers checks?
Ive heard that PNC is the only ones that have that option but I live in California and I really wanted these checks so does anyone have them or know where i can get them. Please if your going to send me links make sure they are to a site that carries steeler checks. Thanks in advance.
Please help me - Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs de coran...?
So, if anyone knows the french book Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs de coran, i need to know what lessons Monsieur Ibrahim teaches Moise, or Momo :)... please help me it's important
What happened to the texas corral in canton,michigan?
The owner came in over night and shut the store. 30 plus employee's are now out of jobs. The only note they left was on the door saying that they will mail paychecks to current addresses. Yes, the same owner owns the stores in Indiana and in kalamazoo Michigan. Beware!!!
Which old Singer sewing machine to get? And where to get them cheapest?
check goodwill salvation army yard sales i got a 1947 singer for 20 dollars was like new had it service and told it was worth 400 dallars good luck
Ha ha who's watching that Jayne Middlemiss yoga thing at the mo?
arrhhh bless her...no idea wot she was crying over really, she was happy one minute then just started blubbing... i thought the true meaning of Yoga was just a good way of making you a bit more bendy and toned!
What is the vale is the integrity in our lives today?
not to much to day of integrity and it sad that people hate the army and air force thay have the most integrity of all doing what we dont want to do ...
Dad wont let me get a car, but i plan to p my test on Monday, what options do i have to drive now?
Ever think of saving that money, and if you have some intelligence, using it to go to university? A college education will go far in life, not being "image conscious" that will get you nowhere in life.
Jade Goody dying moments-who wants to see that?
Is it not ridiculous to be filmed dying for money (and it doesn't matter for what reason, she already got 1 mil from her weddings contract)? My granddad died from cancer in front of me when i was a kid, honestly i wouldn't like to see it again. Where is her dignity and pride?Does she not think about her kids, who would be able to see her on that video when they grow up? I wouldn't do it to my child.This is insane. And whoever tell me that she does it for awareness will have to think twice about it. I wouldn't even know her name if media wouldn't be sticking her all over the papers. She won BB, i don't even like this programme, but it doesn't matter. Did she put any money towards charities, i doubt that. I think she has done enough to raise awareness about cancer, but filming her dying is discrace.
Leaving 13 month old for the day???
Don't feel guilty. As the mom of four kids (13,8,6,and 3) I know how you feel but your older kids are missing out on things and being held back by their baby sister. They love her I'm sure but they need your time and attention, a glimpse of the old days so to speak to remind them that they come first in your life sometimes too. I'm not saying this as a "know it all" either but as someone who's learned through trial and error. Since our families both live across the country, I didn't feel comfortable leaving our youngest until just the past several months. Since I now have really good relationships with the few teenage sitters we use regularly and my daughter is almost 3-1/2, potty trained and VERY verbal (the advantage, or is that disadvantage, of having 3 older siblings), it's gone quite smoothly. Don't wait too long for that overnight with your husband. Your in-laws would be honored, I'm sure, to know you trust them to guard you sleeping kiddos. Besides, you'll be more refreshed than you thought possible. At least that's what I hear. I haven't slept away from my kids in 10 years and don't know when the opportunity will present itself with family so far away. Not sure I feel comfortable leaving overnights to a teenager. But I can definitely say I Need A Vacation!
I just sold my house and after the contigency was removed the buyer suddendly died?
I am lost for words, i just sold my house and the buyer suddenly died 3 days after the contingency was removed. I am unsure whats happening at this moment. My real estate agent is looking into this at the moment. Has this ever happened to anyone before. I imagine i still own the home being the buyers loan was not funded yet but do i ? any help or advice on this is greatly appreciated.
How does p2p affect the movie bis?
It stops that money from a movie being sold in a store actually being sold. The movie itself loses millions from it as millions of people download it.
Cingular Too Verizon?
Ight so.... I have Cingular. We Have A Family Plan with Me My Mom, My Dad, && MY Sis On It Ok? I was Wondering if There Is Any Way That I Could Just Switch My Phone To Verizon. Like Keep All Theres On Cingular But Switch Mine Verizon. You Know. Cuz They Dont Care But i Want Unlimited Texting && A White Chocolate Phone But The Thing Is That i Dont Have An Arm && A Leg To Give Up For This, So Bottom Line Is, I Wanna Switch One Number From a Cingular Fanily Plan Too A Verizon Plan with Unlimited Texting && a White Chocolate, Without Paying An Arm && A Leg. So Does Anybody Know If This Is Even Possible? && Could Someone Give Me Like a Close Dollar Amount?
How do we tackle racism?
In the age of global citizens, there still exist some perverted people who are bigots and look down upon others who have more melanin. they consider themselves better placed because they're white-skinned. what actions can be taken against such people. and you can start from here at yahoo answers if you care to eliminate racism- this guy has posted a very racist question - report him. a href="http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ao7f4v6l86mSx7.Er3laYfogBgx.?qid=20070419022654AAcNVK9"http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind…/a
I don't want to leave school!!!!!?
so that's life u grow u go to college get married have kids and live happily ever after .........its kinda weird that u love it i love skool 2 but just to hang out with my friends blahblah but i hate studying
Wrist tattoo?
I'm thinking about getting the words 'discipline' and 'integrity' on my wrists but i want to do it in another language like Hebrew or Aramaic. Could anyone provide me with a translation? I've been looking all over and I'm not very good at stuff like this.
I can never get past an interview?
i would go online to the company website that you are applying for...just take a gander and study what their business is about and the products they offer...while in the interview make sure you maintain good eye contact and all those little tips and tricks...study some interview questions you think they might ask and rehearse your answers to them in the mirror a couple of time so that you don't walk into the interview not knowing what to say! just try to stay calm and keep your cool and be very confident!!! hope this helps some!!
Switching schools on the post 9/11 GI Bill?
Apply as you did before but indicate that you want to switch benefits because you are going to another school./
What are they talking about?
hey!! this is german, its my natural language, but seriously this text is confusing me, cause they talk about so random stuff and use complicated language on top. its about politics: first they talk about a polititian who did not do any skandals, but says things in a nicely way and achieves the things he wants. But he let his wife wear a certain shirt which resembles a soldiers uniform. apparently that was the way the polititian attempted to teach US citizens about the war in Afganistan. The narrator finds it a little too much. o gosh it's so long.. after this story there's a dialogue. Both of the people talking have diff. opinions and loose their patience. hope i helped a little, i know i didnt translate all of it, but it was kinda long..
I was just curious as to how many people who stay at hotels...?
think that when they check in ALL of their information is programmed to the key card to you door...ie. Name, address, credit card information...I'v worked for Marriott for quite awhile now and I just had a guest come up to me and say he saw a doentary on this and that the hotel employees are completely oblivious to this. He said he takes his keys home and shreds them because of this. I of course played a long but DO NOT believe this seeing as how hotel systems and key programmers ARE NOT LINKED IN ANY WAY!!! I was just curious as to how many people believe this horse manuer and if anyone has seen this so called doentary??
Who likes this???!!???!!!?
These guys are really good. I can't understand everything, but it's got a great beat and they really know how to rock!
What do you think of these (if you could please give me a little input)?
I think Abbott and Brice are really good names that aren't as popular, but they show a lot of strength. I like Reese too :)
Am I too fat to wear this?
I think that it all depends if you would feel comfortable. No point wearing a fancy dress if it makes you feel awkward or too self-conscious.
Could religion be just be denial of insignificance and meaning?
This is a repeat of a question posted by someone called"NOT CPT" which was deleted immediately without just cause: "Ok, has anyone ever realized that religion may just be denial of insignificance and meaning? I am not CPT yahoo, so don't delete it."
I'm looking for an opt-in and opt-out paragraph to put into my emails.?
I'm a beginner Multi-Level-Marketer and don't want to send unsolicited emails to prospective customers, even though they may have signed up for information. Is there a standard form I can get to add to my emails to tell the receipient they can opt-in for more information or opt-out of receiving further information from me?
Is political judiciary in America harsh or mild?
We did not sentence William Jefferson Clinton to be stoned for performing lewd acts on interns, I suggest that we go mildly about Barack Hussein Obama too
What is the correct tipping etiquette in hotels and taxis in Mumbai ?
I stayed at the Leela in Mumbai a few months ago and wasn't sure how much to tip the shuttle taxi, the doorman, the porter & the butler!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
How can i gain that muscle?!?
Well right now i wen to mcdonalds order 3 Quarter pounders combos then i look down i got 4 layers of extra meat muscle on me and i want to look good on my dress before my brothers wedding!!! right now im XL women (special made clothes) the one i bought (costed 671$ no joke) and its sized XXL please i need to get at least 1 more size help!!!
So ive been told?
that I need to get a book. So I got "Penthouse Unleashed - Tips". Do you think this is a good one to read whilst at the coffee shop?
Looking at my CV what career path would you recommend to me?
No idea about career path, but you might want to remove your referees' phone numbers for their privacy's sake...
Can sparkling seltzer water be used as your daily water intake?
Instead of plain water, I just grab Sparkling Seltzer Water. I find it easier to get my daily water intake this way. Thanks in advance!!
Clayton County losing accreditation?
So I'm a sopre in Clayton County. We just found out that we lost our accreditation today and my mom is withdrawing me from my school tomorrow morning because on Monday my credits officially don't count. The problem is that the surrounding counties, specifically Henry County is no longer allowing students into their system. I was then thinking of going to school in Atlanta, but the best school there, Carver, is also no accepting, as well as Tri-Cities. I really don't know what to do, my parents can't afford to put me in a private school. Are there any schools you can think of that would accept students? We really don't know what to do and we have such a short time to find a solution.
I don't understand this. Before I had my daughter, I'd been sick twice in my life. Now I get sick every month?
Ok so maybe that's a *little* over-exaggerating, but it's pretty darn close. Before I had my daughter, all throughout childhood and being a teenager, I had a gold medal immune system, didn't get sick not once but every three or four years. Now though, ever since I had her when I was 20, I get sick with colds and flu 4-7 times *every* year. Did she really take that much of my immune system? Or...is there something else going on that would make me go from super immunity to one sick schmuck? =P What gives?
Which of these 10 female country artists will have a number 1 hit next?
Probably Martina McBride. I think it's ridiculous that these artists never have number 1 hits because the charts are reserved for pop singers like Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, and Rascal Flatts.
ok my gunz was workin fine but then the system crashed once and everything worked fine. but now i can only play the game with swords without it glitchin and i have a great computer so its not that but whenever i shoot even once doesn't matter if its just me or if am fightin someone itll glitch up and the system closes plz help me
If our Pains & Sufferings...our sadhna for god ?
Pains and sufferings, though felt hurdles/obstacles in Sadhana, are essential for building endurance in sadhaka. They are to be overcome by determined continuance of Sadhana. One who fears and leaves in between, he can not get ultimate benefits. Pang of seperation should be overcome by thinking 'while coming in the world and while leaving the world, one has to come and go alone'. Pains, physical and mental are to be overcome by thinking 'pains of taking birth and leaving this world are very severe hence the present one felt is nothing against them are there for my exam / test, I should bear it'.
Finch Better have my money? Hot Topic tee-shirt (t-shirt)?
Finch Better have my money, does that mean anything, profane? It's a t-shirt that says that, which a finch bird in a pimp hat holding 20 dollars. LOL well I want to buy this and I'm not sure whether its appropriate to wear in public. Thanks guys!
How can I raise my magic well on Runescape?
If you have some cash to burn, train it any way you please to get to level 45, and then use the Camelot Teleport. If you use it over and over, you can actually level pretty fast. It's not all that expensive either.
Four Seasons Residences?
I am a Hospitality & Tourism Mgmt and saw this on the Four Seasons site a few months ago, when researching where I want to do my internship. I want to work for the Four Seasons upon graduating. I love these and can't wait to see them complete! Wish I could buy one!
What is the name of the song that goes ...?
What is the song by Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus that goes "seems like, we're holdin' on for-ever ... I gotta let go, time's up, you're push-in' me to surrender" and later it goes like "you send me tumblin' for life, like there's no-one else ar-ound". I heard it on the radio, and I can't figure out what it's called.
What's wrong with being biual?!?
I know people who get freaked out when i tell them i like both, my last boyfriend did too. I accept it as who i am, I like shapely women who are sweet, kind and caring like most men, and like most women i like a nice masculine man with a strong jaw and a nice rustic look. But is there really anything wrong with batting for both sides?
Conservatives, do you really think the independents would vote for Bachmann?
She has no chance of being elected, regardless what you think of here. The pastor of her church said gays should be "killed" and that the pope is the anti-christ. her husband runs a businesses that tries to convert gays to straight. She has no real legislative or executive experience. She is too far right. Why would you vote for her in the primaries when you can vote for a person who actually has a chance like Romney or Perry? As much as I would like to see you guys destroy yourselves in 2012 by electing her, I couldn't help but point out the idiocy of her choosing her, and it honestly isn't worth the risk if a complete nutjob like her ever gets elected
Another Back To The Future movie?
If it aint broke don't fix it. It should be left as it is, I love these films and want to see them left as they are, another one would spoil the magic.
Trendy vs Clical names?
I love Alyssa Jade! I also like Ethan Chase and Aaron James. What is so weird about those names? Considering other peoples kids name insane. My friends daughters nane is Teha (Ta-y-ah) My other friends son is name Draven Vincent. I like nice simple names my sons name is Layne (lane)
Do you know what team plays team ball but don't have what it takes to win the NBA title?
They've always had a good chemistry but they don't have no basketball players that can create their own shot. Well, as of recently they've acquired Allen Iverson but he doesn't fit the team fit. I never really liked the Detroit Pistons even when they had Isiah Thomas and all of those guys(Laimbeer, Rodman,Dumars, and Rick Mahorn). The Pistons aren't an exciting team to me. They never really had that go to guy on their team. They had Isiah Thomas he was a go to guy, but he was a jump shooter, they never had a slasher type player. They had Grant HIll which was a slasher but he was too unselfish. Do you see where I'm getting at? They always focused too much on being unselfish, so unselfish they really had a true scorer, knock em' out type by scoring 50 plus points a night if you can and do it slashing to the basket. They always ped the ball to other players that can't even hit their baskets. What was the purpose in ping the ball? To make it look like you showed team involvement? Screw what it looks like, Do what wins! I always say if it takes that certain player to slash and jump shoot his way to 60 points so be it, if that's what's going to win the game. A lot of coaches always stress don't force the shot, but sometimes you can be forcing the ists. If your teammates aren't hitting their jump shots or scoring when they're open by all means score as much as you need to. Detroit Pistons are a team that force ists when they're not there. They need a go to guy like a Dwayne Wade, Kobe Bryant, or Lebron James. They got these guys who even when they were young stay in one spot like Rasheed Wallace, and Antonio McDyess. Rip Hamilton runs around for the ball but can't get to the hoop with the ball. The Pistons Suck! They need a whole new offensive playbook, they're still going by that traditional 1980's playbook that they had. I never been a Pistons fan but until they change their whole offensive system they'll never go to the Finals again and the year they won it was because of hard defense and Ben Wallace was in his prime.
Recommend me some good animes about teens?
Any anime without fighting robots please just animes that main charters are teens i really like naruto and kenichi
Are there enough hours in the day ...?
if journalists and politicians find enough time to keep all the battered lazy ignornant naked profane kids out of the market share, the tax money, the armor, the weapons, the alcohol, and the parades ... can they find enough time cry just twenty seconds each day for the 20,000 kids age five and under who die each day by hunger alone? or will the kids have to get off their lazy es and build a newsroom?
What do you think of my Pokemon SoulSilver Team?
Wow, your list is extremely exellent, I think its the best i have evr seen good luck in your tournaments, i have to say that it is the best and biggest list ever, keep rockin'.
JSA Back to Work Session question?
I have just been booked in by the JSA people for a mandatory Back to Work Session which lasts an hour at a local college. Has anyone been on this? What exactly happens? Is it just an hour long presentation? i.e. we all sit back and watch somebody going through a bunch of powerpoint slides? or do I have to do some talking? Will I get asked any questions direct?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Christians, do you agree the Bible matches up with archeological evidence?
I have heard conspiracy theorists claim that it doesn't match up but I don't know what they are basing this on.
New Weaknesses in Pokemon TCG?
Thats why in tournament play, they only allow newer sets. All the rules change nothing you can really do.
Is it insulting to our intelligence when the DEM and GOP crime bosses say how bipartisan this travesty bill is?
The pompous slime was shaking hands and congratulating each other like they did us a favor. All they did was divide up the loot amongst themselves as we lose jobs and get kicked out on the streets to beg! What a joke and a sick charade that's as transparent as water!
Tips for Drawing in pencil?
Well I only looked at the first five or so, but for the most part they just look like basic contour drawings. Contour drawings really just have the basic shapes and parts, there isn't shading or color. The shading in those pictures is more just scribbly as opposed to smooth gradient shading. A tip for art like that is to just keep it fun and loose to get the "sketch" look.
Rate My Baseball Team??
your outfield is the weakest spot. If your ahead in saves, try trading away closers for outfielders.
Why is Tik Tok such a popular song?
I thought tik tok meant that something was going to blow up in the end (hopefully the song) so I listened to it, and kicked the people that played it on the radio. I agree with you.
4 month old piglet eating me out of house and home?
you should give him 6-7 it will hold him over longer my son is 4 and a half months and usually eats 7 also his ped told me to start giving him oatmeal cereal cause he is constantly hungry and hes less than 14 lbs!
How do you hook a fiddler crab to go fishing with it as bait?
This site is very informative. I also hook my in the furthest corner of the shell, however they are not hardy on the hook.
Could you still fix your gpa ?
You need to really think about the cles you take because this your GPA affect say you could get an A in regular Math but instead you take Honors and get a B, you GPA would be lowered. Colleges do take in account the cles you take but for your over all GPA to raise I would suggest keeping it down to one honors cl. You can raise your GPA, My gpa went from a mid C to a mid B in one year, it wasn't easy its more about changing your habits, like handing in ignments and homework on time, you may think "oh it's only 10 points off if I had it in late" but those 10 points slowly add up and really affect your grades. BUT YOU CAN DO THIS! Just apply yourself I'm in such a similar boat as you and I know its not easy but just remember hardwork will always pay off whether it be the acceptance to the school of your choice or scholarships. And if all of this doesn't pay off don't worry too much you can always go to community college and save loads of money and then transfer, trust me the valedtorian at my school almost did this to save money, not because she was "stupid" there is absolutely no shame in doing this you honestly save thousands of dollars that your friends that went to 4 years universities will be paying off much longer than yourself! So good luck and YOU CAN RAISE YOUR GPA. But if you don't, don't worry about it, you have options and can succeed! Good luck!
How do you pursuade your parrents to allow you to go to private school?
Just ask her why she said, "Don't even think about it," last time. Find out what the problem is and take it from there. You should always be able to talk to your parents--just make sure you're not whining or begging or anything. Just listen and talk.
Stretch marks help pleaaseeeee?
Do this for yourself, men will always be insecure, but what matters is being secure within yourself. Everything else comes after that.
Myspace ???
ummm .. i have a myspace . and i see people doing all kinds of shapes and things . does anybody know how to make different types of shapes . or bold text , italics, strike through, and underlined ? i wanna know . well thanks .
What does the abr song whitewashed mean?
I listened to and read these lyrics a hundred some times but i just understand them. THey are a christian band but to me all i get out of them is Jesus the one that takes away sins is getting in the way. What is going on? I figured i might just not be opening up to enough could someone please let me know what they think? ABR= August burns red. Thanks you
Don't you hate people who knows NOTHING about soccer/football and thinks they are so smart once every WC?
i only watch soccer when team usa plays, but i enjoy it. i dont know much but i know that the usa will win.
Help choosing a car? something like ford fusion?
I'd say you hit the nail on the head with the fusion. Good cars, good reliability, fuel economy, inexpensive,
What does the Queen of England actually do?
Seems like the Royal Family are redundant since they have very little to do with the running of the country anymore. So why are they still "important"? I mean look at the vast contrast in roles between Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II for example, one defeated the Spanish armada, the other knighted Elton John...
Why did she say this 10 Points?
Initially she was shocked, other things were going on. The next day her true feelings show...she doesn't care...it's been a while since your relationship ended...she's moved on.
Help me find the perfect med school-10 POINTS BEST ANSWER!?
Why don't you google "top 10 med schools" and see which are on the east coast, those stereotypically fit what you're looking for. However, if you are serious about med school (and life) you'll get over your pretentious behavior.
Has a firehouse ever caught on fire, where at and how many times?
i was just talking about this the other day with my church bus driver, and now its on my mind and wont go away? so answers please?
Ran out of orange zest?
Any other citrus zest will work. Or, just use the teaspoon you have--the recipe will still work, but the flavor will be subtler. Since the zest is just acting as a seasoning, you could substitute another spice, say 1 teaspoon zest plus 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon for orange cinnamon fudge.
I need myspace help.....?
does anybody know where i can go to creat a scrolling marquee to put on my myspace page i seen them on other peopls page and i want one for mine and i dont know where to get it PLZ HELP
Bad(no sound)problem in XP?
ok technically there is soudn.. a hissing noise typical to say speakers that have no song on but are switched on like a stereo but I'm talking about a headset but when i go into my computer/hardware/device manager/sound, video and game controllers my formerly there sound card's drivers are all just poof gone.. just legacy drivers there which are my onboard sound drivers. it had a yellow conflict but seemed to work although it was way too loud. and had a bug with windows management instrumentation awhile back but restored most of the issues. but when I started my comp but didn't type in my pword early enough it wouldn't load my sound drivers and it would all be greyed out in sounds and audio devices in Control Panel. I'm just intermediate if abit further but not a techy technically lol :P can anyone tell me what I can do? other than reformat as a last resort. but I would uninstall my sound drivers if it showed up in device manager but without doing that I risk loading them on top of my already existing folder and drivers which are just not s howing in device manager but show in that place before program files where windows is too.
2009 World Artistic & Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships??
Does anybody know when abouts in 2009 the World Artistic & Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships start?? And is it broadcast on television?? If so what channel does it broadcast on??
Halo Odst questions that i need badly answered?
i have two questions.one. can you play firefight by yourself without coop.and 2 is there going to be a theater mode like halo3? these questions are whats going to help me decide weither or not to buy it.
Im soo emarred what do i do?
kay so im in colorguard at my highschool. i just made the team and i love it. were having a car wash tomorrow. so i get a call and it sounds just like my bff kaylee. she said hello, is krista there? so i answered uhm who wants to know? all snobbish (i was trying to mess with kaylee cause she did the same thing to me.) but the replie on the other line was...um its megan from colorguard...i was just...calling to remind you about the carwash...tomorrow. so i freaked out and said, "im sooo sorry i thought you were my friend!!! she said it was ok then we hung up... but i have to see her tomorro and im super embarred. what do i do?!?!?! and sorry no i cant skip out on the car wash its to earn money for my flag and rifle. :(
Super Mario Sunshine for Gamecube?
I an stuck at Bianco Hills Down With Petey Pirahna. How do i get up to the top of the big windmill? I go all the way up the hill and get to an area where two of the vines block my way over so I cannot get to the other side.How do I get to the other side?!!!
How can I get these kids to stop tattling on each other???
I love babysitting these kids, but they tattle on each other almost all the time! All I ever hear is, "She pushed me!" or, "She's being mean!" When this happens I say, "Hey! I do not listen to tattling. I will only listen to something that you did." But that doesn't work. What can I do to stop all of this unessessary tattling?
If you can change any rule/penalty in the NFL, what would it be and why?
I would let the coaches challenge bad calls on penalties....even though they are judgement calls. Games shouldn't be determined by bone-head refs.
What song would be good for a First Dance at a wedding?
If you hire a PROFESSIONAL DJ they will help you make all these decisions and keep you from stressing out.
How tall would you guess this pony is?
My best guess is a bit taller than 12 hands, but no bigger than 13.2 hands... so final guess is at about 12.3 hands. Halflingers are usually more stocky than tall, so my guess would be that she is just a short, less-stocky mare.
What is the religion of Rahul Gandhi?
What is this family upto??? First the Mughals gave some land to the Kauls near a Nehar( a c) so they adopt the name of Nehru !! Please notice that there are no other 'Nehru' family in Kashmir or even in India!! Then Indira Nehru has a Nikkah with a Parsi Feroze Khan in London and she becomes Indira 'Gandhi' !!!! So there kids natuarlly become Parsis. Then Rajiv 'Gandhi' marries a Christian . So there Kids r Parsi or Christian depending on their raising. Then Sonia ' Gandhi' marries her daughter Priyanka off with a Christian Robert Wadhera. That means Priyanka Wadhera and her kids are definitely Christians , So Rahul ' Gandhi' must also be a Chirstian. At the same time this family behaves in public as if they are true Hindus !! From Kauls they became nehru , and then from nehru they became gandhi out of nowhere. From Hindus they became Parsi and then Christian !! What would this family not do to remain in power..?? And yet nobody seems to notice??
Weird. Is it possible that I ped out?
Today I was sitting on a beanbag chair in front of the TV. I got up (probably too fast) to turn off the TV (I wasn't standing up, but standing on my knees) and my vision started to blacken and I got really dizzy. Then all of a sudden I saw the carpet on the ground. I remember being conscious, just not very well. I remember thinking about something really weird...but I can't remember what it was. I couldn't get up for a while, so I just lay there staring at the carpet until I could get up. I've been getting dizzy sometimes for the past few weeks and I'm wondering what could be the cause of it.
Why did I dream I was put into an asylum?
The dream just started with me in front of a mansion like house. I remember saying to the person beside me "The souls are in pain. They shouldn`t be here. They don`t belong.". The walls were white. All the people I saw were surrounded by colors. I think they`re called auras. My black dress was exchanged for a white night gown. My long reddish dark brown hair was cut to my shoulders ( like I have it now ). I don`t remember much from the dreams. But, I remember a dark room with an old fashioned white bathtub in the middle. Five people carried me fighting towards the tub. One was my older brother, one was my best friend who`s like a sister to, and one was Ryan George ( my secret crush since 8th grade ). I saw Ryan in the dream before. He was walking toward the building with no emotion shown on his face. They threw me in the tub and began holding me down. I fought them. Once my head was above water I screamed "Demons. I`m not your princess! Leave me alone!". Then it switch to two years later. My hair was to my hips again. I was under watch at a out door movie theater. I managed to run away. A little boy followed me and begged me to take him with me. Then It switched to a walking bridge. My dog Gizmo was with me, but she kept disappearing. Then Ryan Maynard ( friend and one of my crushes. ) brought her back. Then I woke up. My worst fear is being put in a mental institution. Also, at the begining of the dream it looked like the early 1920. And, at the theater it looked like modern day.
Bearing in mind that most of the Toon Army were happy during the Keegan years ..........?
Do you think the fans actually want success ..... or just to be able to watch entertaining football on a regular basis ??
Using heirloom ring as engagement ring?
Ever thought about taking the center stone and having it removed (but save it) with like a sapphire put in there, then have it dipped to be white gold and polished? You can alter the ring just by adding a sapphire, but not destroying the ring by altering it to a state that wouldnt be able to changed back to.
A cannonball is launched at an angle 70 degrees with an initial velocity of 50 m/s at a cliff that begins 20 m?
away from the cannon and is 10 m high. How far way from the edge of the cliff does the cannonball land?
Shakespeare's - Much ado about nothing -homework. HELP!!!!!!!?
Thou doest poorly misquote Shakespeare, and for a result thou art ignored. For verily how many brethren wouldst understand PEE? Dost thou speak of human waste matter? Verily, thine answer lies in hard work and honest study! Hast thou no idea of the weakness of thine own mind that thou didst not give the meaning of this 'Pee'? Get thee to thine nearest cesspit, so thou wilt be relieved of thine own PEE and remember that Shakespeare was naught but a true playwright, who did not involve such malevolent acts as peeing in his ruddy plays! Verily thou doest offend our heritage!!!
Name for my puppy...?
Momo is pretty Japanese name mean peach Koito mean little thread like silk Korin mean little bell Yuki mean pretty snow Yoneyu mean gentle rice these pretty Japanese name for dog Chibi mean baby little one Reina mean tinkle sound like chime Ami mean beautiful Hina pretty name Japanese and Hawaiian mean sun plant
17 yr old son had a seizure for the first time?
On January 28, 2007, at approximately 12:40pm, my 17-year-old son experienced what seemed to be a petite mal seizure. He had cold clammy skin, dilated pupils that responded to light stimuli, he had trouble focusing on one object, and eyes seemed to roll. Facial coloring at the time of episode was extremely pale, his arms were cold and clammy. He had complaint of being cold yet he was sweating. He could respond slowly to questions posed after the seizure with slurred speech, also there was a noticeable weakening of motor function ex. could no hold onto objects, stumbling walk. He had dramatic reduction in hand and muscle strength. Pulse rate 2 mins. after episode began was approximately 45 bpm. 5 mins in to episode, he was given approximately 2 tablespoons of pure honey via mouth. BP at approx. 10 mins. into the episode was 122/84 P 65 bpm with a digital BP cuff.
Did Saturday Night Live apologize to Sinead O'Connor?
for their treatment of her after her criticism of the church and specifically the Pope's inaction towards child molesters within the church after the revelations that many in the church attempted to hide their problem?
Okay i need more help with this guy?
Since you obviously don't like him as much as he likes you, it would be best to have a clean break and stop stringing him along. Don't get him to break up with you, that's cowardly. Just tell him you aren't ready to be in a relationship right now and that though you wish you felt the same way about him, because he's a great guy, you don't think you will ever be able to.
How tall will i grow?
It all depends on what you do the next couple of years. Girls stop growing until they are 18. So if you exercise, eat well, stretch, sleep before 10pm, drink milk, there are a lot more stuff that improves your chances on growing taller..but it only adds a couple of inches. It all comes down to your genes. And so far it looks like you'll be around 5'7 or 5'8 your 5'4 now so you only got 3 more years to go.
A 13 g bullet traveling 221 m/s s a 2.0 kg block of wood...?
A 13 g bullet traveling 221 m/s s a 2.0 kg block of wood and emerges cleanly at 163 m/s. If the block is stationary on a frictionless surface when hit, how fast does it move after the bullet emerges?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Why aren't gays protesting blacks/latinos in California and going after Mormons so heavily?
The exit poll results show that blacks and latinos overwhelmingly supported protecting marriage as a union between a man and a woman, with whites about even. So why are the gay protestors only going after white churches and Mormons instead of going after black churches and more black/latino organizations?
Good places to honeymoon on u.s. east coast?
Charleston, SC. I'm not sure where y'all are in OH, but since Columbus is about in the middle of the state I'll use that - from Columbus it's about a 10 hr drive. You've got beaches close by (Folly is a pretty decent public beach), there's a lot of things to do (shopping on Kings Street, house tours, museums, ghost walks, harbor cruises, baseball (their minor league team is owned by Bill Murray)), great restaurants, quite a few romantic hotels and B&Bs and the city itself is just very romantic - lots of Southern hospitality and charm!
Cingular bill (Blocked number)?
if someone calls me from a blocked number, (secret:my bf who my parents dont want me talking to) will the number show up on the bill at all, i mean like will it say unlisted number and have the number of minutes we have talked on the phone??
I need a cute outfit from hollister and are these outfits cute?
I love both of them! I love the shirt in the first outfit! Not so crazy about the skirt though.. BUT IT'S CUTE!! The second outfit is REALLY adorable <3
How to cook eggs like a pro?
For years I've tried to learn how to cook eggs like real people. I have done everything. Yet, somehow when I go to work the line cook can make the most perfect omelets. I bust two eggs, I add a little bit of milk, but nothing turns out fluffy and big. My eggs are always kind of flat and it is not that amazing tasting. I don't know what the secret is, and maybe I'm just somehow an imbecile with eggs.
What do u think about the Lawrence v. Texas case?
What two consenting adults do behind closed doors is no ones business. That says it all. I wouldn't do it, but I don't have the right to tell other people what they can or cannot do. Nor does our government have that right.
TEENS!(: I gotta good question!?
5"6 and size 3 would be tiny legs ha ... but for shirts stripes ar eusually unflattering and light colors like white and tight clothing.
Dog inbreeding...What are some signs
Has anyone wondered if the dog they purchased were bred by its relative? If so, what made you question it? Or if you have resources to read, I need to know what are some signs...thanks in advance.
Does anyone know how to calculate conservation of momentum?
i have 6 physics problem that involve calculating momentum. like this problem. a 0.15kg blue billiard bal moving at 8.0 m/s to the right hits a similar red ball at rest. if the blue ball continues at 0.0m/s what is the velocity for the red ball?. i just need to know how to do one. then il be able to do the other 5 .
How affectionate is your toddler?
Cady stops to give me hugs and kisses multiple times a day. She will run up yelling "mama! mama!" then lean in and kiss me. Its pretty cute. If I ask for kisses and hugs I usually always get one. And she runs over asking for "uppie" all the time (to be picked up) Shes such a sweetheart.
Did Palin do it again, and is there no end to her lack of expertise on all subjects?
The woman is an ignorant menace, who is doing nothing but screwing with the political process while at the same time showing the rest of the world just how pathetic our educational system is. She is unlearned, sanctimonious, and dangerous. Maybe if we all ignore her, she will go away and quit making a laughing stock of our country.
How long does it take to get a green card after biometrics is done?
You will either get interview notice, or just wait until you get e-mail notice or I-797 Welcome letter. It takes 2-4 weeks to have green card in mail after the approval at the interview.
Sony Ereaders - What the difference?
They are just different variations of the PRS300. The B and the R is a limited edition that comes with 3 special books that the normal 300 does not come with. But all of the hardware is the same.
Should I buy a case and/or screen protector for my iPod Touch?
I am going to buy a 3rd Generation 32 GB iPod Touch in a couple days. I was wondering if I should buy a case and/or screen protector for it. Also, does it affect the quality of the ipod at all? Does it effect the accelerometer in any way? Any comments or advice would be helpful?
.....i have a visa that says stati schengen from 3rd april 2010 to 29th april .?
i have a schengen visa valid from 2nd april to 29th april.. and says Stati schengen... but the duration of days states that its 5 days.... does that mean i can only visit one country, my main destinations for 5 days or i can travel to the countries till my visa expires and in each country duration should not be more than 5 days.. i am a bit confused coz i have all the bookings done for other schengen countries...
My pages won't load- I keep getting a "cannot display this webpage...."?
One of two things could've happened: You might need to reset your Internet connection [unplug wires and plug them back in accordingly,] or it could very well be a virus. If that's the case, I suggest downloading, installing and updating the freeware program MalwareBytes' AntiMalware. That program helped me when I had a stubborn virus on my computer and I have been recommending the program to other people since.
Where can I get archery equipment in Karachi? Is it legal in Pakistan?
Hasn't Walmart reached Karachi? If its legal they'll sell it. You can look at www.natchezss.com and www.sportinggoods.com. Whether you can order I don't know.
Is my friend acting unreasonably? Should I bother to contact her again?
You should go see her and ask her whats wrong because if this is the first its happened with her.Some things gone wrong.Also keep bugging her about the money if she doesnt give it to you then ask her to buy you somthing costing that much.Or you could tell her parents (they might not listen though).
Extreme burning when I pee? It is so bad I cry, please help.?
I'm not sure if I have a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection. Its a little over half way down the and hurts if I press on it, even when I'm just walking around. But the real issue is when I go to urinate because it hurts tremendously. It started today, and its so horrific I'm terrified to go. I've looked up home remedies, and most of the tips are to drink lots of water- which will make me have to go to the bathroom ( but that will make it unbearably painful!) Please help- my mother is not being any help at all. she gave me this cream but that isn't helping too much and I took a bath with baking soda and it didn't help either. please help me- it is so painful.
I'm looking for a good action anime that's gory and nasty.?
I think any of the Higurashi's match your description. Darker Than Black definitely has more action than Higurashi, but it's not as disturbing (mainly because all of the characters in Higurashi are going crazy -_-). Wolf's Rain is another one you might like as well.
Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 Paintbrush Problem?
The brush somehow probably got set for additional colors to be picked at random. In the Options bar there is an icon for setting on how the brush behaves. It is the icon titled More Options. Perhaps the Hue Jitter is set for something other than zero. Problem with Color Replacement ---- look in the dialog window for Replace Color to see if you have Selection on pressed rather than Image. I think you have Selection.
Is Greece helping Israel prepare against Iran ?
YES. its true, i saw this on the news this morning, the Greeks have officially said they would help Israel. haha poor Iran! Imagine if something like this actually happens. It would be like the Persians vs Spartans again. By the way the Greeks named their force "The Spartans", maybe a 300 sequel is coming soon. LOL!
Who was the wife of mahatma gandhi?
Great Mahatma Gandhi's wife name was Kasturba Gandhi. Actually, she got married at the age of my. i mean at age of 13. Gandhiji helped her in every field of her life. Even gandhiji taught her to read and write.
What is this ritual all about, please..winter solstice..?
I wish I could explain it better cause it is a beautiful thing. I will do a search when I get a chance & see if I can find anything that describes what I know about this. I know the candle is symbolic of us coming out of the dark into the lightness. The seasons all are important times in our life. If we understand the meaning it is like understand life. If we can understand the good that comes from the dark or depressed times as well as from the sunny or fruitful times we truly live life to it's fullest rather than running from it as some of the people here who put the word evil in there answers. They can just run & hide & miss out on the beauty of life cause they are so afraid of evil which if you turn the word around is LIVE & once they decide to live they won't have evil in their life.
Are there any reported case of human beings able to materialize physical objects?
No, Google on The Amazing Randy. He is a professional magician who offers a large monetary prize to anyone that can actually prove physic ability under controlled supervised conditions.
Good indie songs that MTV hasn't burned yet?
One can only hope and pray that MTV never gets their hands on Tilly and the Wall. If and when the day comes, I will be completely devastated.
How do i tell my boss i have found a better job?
if he's nice tell him that your advancing in life and tell him that your sorry, but if he's mean and you don' like him, if you want to just tell him off!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Pokemon Yellow Question!?!?
Hey, kicking it ol' school with some pokemon yellow. I've defeated 7 of the 8 gym leaders but giovanni isn't in the viridian gym? Doors are locked. Have cleared team rocket out of saffron city, there is a few team rockets still hanging in celadon even though i've defeated him there too... What do I do to get Giovanni back to viridian gym?
Ladies, Do any of you shave?
I don't shave, but I'm on medication that gives me an odd stray hair on my neck - I just pull them out - Ouch!! :)
Do crayfish bite?
They can bite if you can manage to withstand the feeling of them pinching you long enough for them to bite you...but I'm uming you would pull your hand away as soon as they pinched you :)
How do you train your puppy or dog not to bark excessively?
I had a puppy named Freya, and she was really good... but she barked too much. She would bark at little things, and I was in an apartment at the time. She would FREAK if I put her outside on her chain and left her there, and I was told the best thing was to ignore her. But my neighbor got mad and told me that if I would just train her, she wouldnt bark, as though I haven't already tried! When people are babysitting her, she becomes a problem for their neighbors too, howling like crazy when she was left alone. I know this is because she doesnt like to be alone, when she was a puppy, she was hardly ever left alone at all. But I don't know how to train her to not bark.
Where do i find leonardo?
i finished collecting all 30 codex pages in asins creed 2 for the xbox, mario says i need to decipher them, i used the fast transport staion to get to his workshop, but he's not there, where do i go?
How does it feel to not know your role in the universe?
Your a parasitic leach that has no understanding of the universe. Your small and insignificant, not because of your size but because of your knowledge.
The Contrast between Sonnet 61 by Drayton and Sonnet 138 by Shakespeare is....?
Drayton talks about him and his lover; Where something has gone wrong and Drayton decides a kiss-goodbye the love. But, Shakespeare, on a similar situation, understands the qualities of love and still stays with her. (Shakespeare FTW).
What is Army life like as a wife and mother to an Airborne Infantry soldier?
My husband recently signed a 3 year contract with the US Army as an 11X Airborne Infantry recruit rank E04. I've heard it's most likely he'll get the first duty ignment of Ft. Bragg. He used to be in the Air Force (before we were ever together) so he has a pretty good idea of what military life is like, but I have absolutely no idea what I'm getting myself into! I'm hoping it can't be much worse than the situation we're in now, we live nowhere near any friends or family, etc and I am a stay at home mom. But will it be easy as a stay at home mom to make new friends, how do I meet people? Also, in general, what should I expect my life to be like at a base such as Ft. Bragg with a 4 yr old, a 2 yr old and an infant? Thanks!
Anyone who's ever been to Woodward Gymnastics Camp (Pennsylvania)?
Ok I'm going to woodward this summer, and I'm really excited, but also kinda nervous. Let's just say I'm not the best gymnast ever. I do recreational gymnastics (Mason Dixon League in Maryland if anyone's familiar with it). I've got the basic skills; on bars I've got kip, clear hip, fly away, Beam i've got backwalkover, floor round off handspring layout. Will everyone at the camp be better than me? I'm 15 and don't want to be stuck in a group with a bunch of 8 year olds. Anyone who's gone before is welcome to share positive experiences/feedback.
Any helpful tips on how to get stubborn horse moving on lunge?
I bought myself a young mare to break in. She has been a pleasure to train. Just one problem is that she is too quiet when it comes to lunging. She understands the concept and walks on when I tell her to but won't go to a trot or canter. I have cracked the whip behind her to make a noise and she just ignores it and it even use the end of it to lay across her rump - I don't hit her with it, just touch her in the hope that she'll move away from it - and it does nothing. I have got her trotting under saddle no problem at all, just can't get her moving on the ground. Any help would be appreciated :)
Anyone else feeling like a big fat cow?
At least you have something to show for it in the end, some people are just big for no reason. As horrible as that sounds.
I have windows xp and apple updater tried to download yesterday?
I don't know why I have apple updater on my computer but it started to download an update and I cancelled it before it could. Since I have windows xp, do I need it at all? I want to go into Windows explorer and delete it.
Ok so i have sore , have been feeling sick for awhile and my stomach has been bloated. Could i be preggas
I also havent had my periods for 3mths but my periods rnt regular in the first place. I took 2 hpt's and one said pos n one said neg. Im so confused. can anyone help me?
This is about Charmed 9th season.?
Please email me the rest...my email addy is vanfossen2004@yahoo.com I would love to finish reading it. thanks
Have you taken any actions to support gay marriage and gay rights?
I voice my support, I hope I can do more. I'm straight. but I support LGBT rights! equality for all!
CM Punk better leader than Wade Barret?
Thank god the Second City Savior is the Leader of Nexus!!!!!! What will happen to Wade Barret now? And will Punk change the name and theme of nexus???
In light of a new report that says cremation adds to global warming, would you reconsider being cremated?
While there are both pro's and con's to burial or cremation, the choice is mainly personal, as well as sometimes religious. As for the completely INACCURATE answer from Gwiz, the crematory most certainly is NOT lit when it is full. Bodies are cremated one at a time, the cremation retort is only designed to hold one body, no more. I have no clue where she came up with that, but look up pictures of a retort, you will see for yourself they are only designed for one, not to mention that it is illegal to cremate more than one body at a time.
Got a hole under stairs need fixing who do i call?
i have a hole under me stairs between me floorboards and concrete and theres cold air coming from it and there looks like the gas pipe also runs under neath so how do i need to call out to fix it would it be a bulider or some one eles please help thankyou as it needs doing as i dont like the pipe showing
I think i need to put 1 of my fish on a diet? Any suggestions?
Don't you think it is a little ridiculous to be thinking a fish is "fat" & needs to go on a diet?
How many calories....?
What you ate today estimates around 600 calories, which is starving your body! Absolutely a no no in losing weight! I eat roughly 1,000 calories a day and do medium level of activity and have lost weight on a steady pace. 1,000 Calories is even considered low but what you're doing is putting your body in starvation mode which will make your body hang onto every ounce of fat it has! People think they have to starve in order to lose weight but moderation is the key. It's not what you eat, its how much you eat! Cut down on your portions and cut out junk food and you will start seeing results. You will not beable to keep up what you're doing for long.
Would females be interested in a guy who's offering a relationship online?
Hello...My name's Rich.I'm 28 years young,and I'm tired of going about looking for a girlfriend the "old fashioned"way.So I figured..Lemme see how this would work out.Let's see,what can I say about myself?Alright..I've already mentioned my name and age.What else?Aah yes..I enjoy reading The Lord of the Rings books(which i own)and watching the movies made based on them.My GOD given talent is ART...Of which I feel I'm a very good abstract artist.For high school I was lucky enough to get accepted into the well known school The High School of Art and Design!That was an interesting couple of years.I guess you could say THAT'S where I came into my own,then.But other than that..let's see,I live at home with my mother.I keep her company and help her out as much as I can...since my jerk of a father left a long time back,I keep my mother company.Anyway,I'm self-employed in the "distribution" business..And it's not too bad.I keep some money in my pocket.But now that my most recent relationship with the lovliest black girl didn't work out,I'm back to square one...AGAIN.Looking for that special someone.Well,I like to think that I'm a good listener,and I'd love to meet a girl that will sit with me and talk to me,while I listen.That's one of the things I'm looking for in a girl.I'm also wanting to meet a girl who's not at all judgemental,but who's understanding and down for living on the edge.I really need someone to share my life with.I don't like living without a good woman by my side...a good woman to be my queen,my right hand,y'know?If this sounds interesting to you,please,send me an email and we'll chat,ok?Send it to:SERONE420@ymail.com.I also enjoy writing,and I sometimes can express my feelings better on paper,than by saying it.So if you're interested in writing back and forth,send me an email,and if I think you're serious(and NOT some wierdo guy pretending to be a girl),I'll send you my address as well.Hey,y'never know...Maybe I'll find a woman who lives near me,and we can meet up and get to know eachother a little better.So that's all.I seriously look forward to hearing from all of you....I hope that the right girl for me is going to see this,read it,and respond to me.
In 2 days I have taken 2 ex-lax,2 flaxseed pills,2 doses of Miralax,2 correctol,& still cant use the bathroom?
Have drunk 2 liters of water and still cannot use to restroom. Seem to have gained 2lbs in the last 72hours
Did I win a $50 mcdonald's gift card?
on the monopoly game stamp it says McD's gift card $ 50 canadian so Do I bring it to the store? I put the code on the site it gave me 2 chance cards and said play again?
Why are Fox New's biggest Negative stories about Black people?
Just read the responses you got. As usual, denial and some racist comments. Is there any wonder? For the record, yes, Fox is racist. And they seek to stir up those cons and repubs who are racist.
Where is Lorenzo's School located?
I'm in the middle of my History project about Michelangelo, and I found out he attended Lorenzo's School. I was wondering where is it exactly?
At what point does one lose their identity when trying to remedy psychological issues?
In other words. Can it not be said that certain or perhaps all eccentricities are natural to a particular personality?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Thankyou for allowing me to visit your country.?
Hallo my name ist Johanson and I have just arrived in England to lived here from Germany. Thankyou for welcomeing me to your country.
What can you do to make your horse listen to you more?
My horse is a great horse, but she's not very good at listening to me. For example i ask her to lope and she just bucks, when i ask her to stop she just pulls at my hands and keeps on going. And i need a little advice
What food should I feed my shih tzu puppy?
Hey there, I have a shih tzu pup that'll be 8 months in a matter of days. However, my grandma's caretaker keeps feeding her Beneful. I've actually seen how people on yahoo answers have rated this product and it doesn't look great :( currently, she eats iams puppy food and lots of ppl have said iams isn't great too. I actually went to petsmart and they told me royal canin is great for my dog when she grows up. Is that true? and also, what do i feed my dog? by the way... my dog often gets poop stuck at her back. is because of beneful???????
How can i make my m1 garand look like this?
ive got some old unmarked m1 stock that i would not mind cutting down to make it like this...or just any type of modified stock at all i saw a man who had added a raised cheek rest. or maybe cut the stock down down 3 inches or so and make it look unique...ps i would never ddo this to a us gi marked stock this is and old stock with no markings worth less than 40 bucks
How do i help my hurt bullfrog?
i have 6 bullfrogs and a cat got one of um hes still alive but hes really badly hurt i cant take his to a vet because no one treats bull frogs around here he has a open cut on the back if his leg and its right down to the muscle any sugestions?
Nickname for Evangeline?
Liv could work as a nick name for Evangeline. My brother in law's name is Christopher and he goes by Chip, my daughter's name is Elizabeth and we call her Lily, Jimmy is a nickname for James. My point is people often get nick names that aren't always obvious forms of their name. Evangeline is a beautiful name and I think Liv would be a very cute nick name for it. As for the name that would work best in a sibling set, I think Penelope and Evangeline sound great and they look good together.
What's up with my uncle plz answer?
ok my uncle i live with him temporary he has a huge tattoo on his back of the Templar's cross. All of his crosses in house are templar crosses and he has paintings of a couple famous headmasters during the crusades he knows a little too much about weapons from guns to blades. Also alot he sneaks out at night and doesn't come back till the morning and sometimes he has like weird cuts he said he was at a martial art cl but i know for shure he doesn't take any and not at that late. When he doesn't have any cuts im like where have u been all night just wondering. he would just yell no where mind your own Business. Do anyone have a idea what you think he's doing is he some type of serial killer??? Also he has all this money and he doesn't have a job????
Why shouldn't Diabetics have Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride?
I am diabetic and wanted to take some Sudafed (Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride) and in the information leaflet that comes with the tablets it says do not take if you are diabetic. Whats the reason behind this?
What is CAF? My school saying I need to go to CAF about my selfharming what is it?
My school are getting me help about my selfharmig and mentioned CAF and I have no idea what they are on about may I have some ideas or what anyone knows
Are the Claims against Obama by a retired Admiral and others unfounded as Holder refuses to investigate them?
These claims are only unfounded in the minds of the Obama supporters. For them, Obama can do no wrong and those making the claims probably are being paid by George Bush.
How God could expect his creatures to pick the one true religion by faith?
Well God also never intended the world to end up like so, He wanted theworld to be a perfect place, but ever since Adam and Eve sinned He had to change things up a bit, God gave us His Word and the Holy Spirit with clear expectations, to read and study the word, to pray and communicate with Him, and God WILL open your eyes to what's right. It's all about faith.
Is my poetry any good? What do you think is good/bad/indifferent?Worth Publishing?
your poetry is really good it grabs my attention and keeps me reading it has a good flow and keep up the good work
Calling all Taliban supporters?
He who kills one man is as he who kills the whole world. Taliban does not follow Islam, otherwise they would not support terror which harms innocent people. One must remember, each person is different, some love God and try to reach him and others fake their faith. The Taliban are no different from any other human in need of learning the truth of God's love, mercy, and forgiveness. Those that seek this truth, shall find it.
Does anyone have any information on how to do Laplace Transforms?
i've been studying it but its kind of difficult. Do you know any websites that explains it a little easier?
What is one of the best quartz,crystal,jem in my list. please give a light discription of all of them. thanks.
The question does not make sense as stated. Turquoise is a gemstone but is not quartz and is never a crystal. Amethyst is quartz and is usually in crystals, rose quartz is quartz but is only rarely crystalline. Red jasper is silica (I'm not sure I'd call it quartz) but is not crystalline and is not really a gem. Sodalite and hematite are not quartz. Crystal is a generic term, unless it's rock crystal, then it is quartz. You can do a search for the rest.
Will the fine for 166(a) (4) of ca pc code be the same as time served if the offense was cleared by arrest?
This complaint of breaking the stay away order led to my arrest and the police had to take a written statement from the complaintant to do so.The minor misconduct offense, climbing a tree too close to the area described to stay away from, was not a willful act of disobedience nor one committed to disrespect the court's order. The arresting officer would have rather cited me out to appear but was overruled by the superior officer and the written complaint. The Public Defender I have been availed to said there would be no reason for the court to dismiss the charges and take the 2 days in jail as restitution because I went against the court order, willfully. The fine can be $5,000/6 mths in jail and/or as little as $1,000 and probation. Mind this attempt to by the County to wreck havoc in my life as they were compelled to make the bail the highest it could and hold me for two days till I saw the Judge. At the time of q.&.a. by the intake booking c.o. I inquired, one again, what was the bail. She did answer at first "It'll be only $100.00 are you sure that you can't fine some one to help you out?, oh, ah no I'm mistaken, it is 500.00, sorry" **** out of one mouth to be heard my ears one more time before locating the sanity I left in the fricken tree! I do believe that in asking this court to modify the terms and conditions of the sentencing to read Civil Harment Order against Ms Hanks, Vacated and the charges all fines and fees vacated case dismissed! How you all see it?
I was at the Pita Market (restaurant) in the local mall and the guy charged my debit card 5 times.?
I purchased a gyro, iced tea, and fries for $11.81. The numb-nuts could barely speak English and didn't know what "Visa Accepted" meant on his standalone credit/debit device. He started frantically sliding my card repeatedly. He did this in a concealed manner under the desk and was looking at my card a lot in a suspicious way. I suspect that he may have copied down all my information which I am very concerned about. So anyways, the f**kingidiot and I got into a long argument and he couldn't give me a receipt. Then, out of nowhere, some guy that works at Radioshack came out of nowhere and started speaking in Spanish with the Pita Market guy. Radioshack guy started messing with the machine and my card. He then told me I could go. I refused and said I needed a receipt. He went back to trying to do whatever it was that he thought he should be typing into the machine. I got my high school checking account card back, and after a while he said to just come back later and find him and he'll give me all the money that was overcharged back. I argued that the Pita Market guy would probably say he doesn't know me. The Radio Shack guy ured me they would and if they didn't to find him. So when I got home, I looked on my account balance online and it showed that the c0cksuck3r charged me five times! That's $59.05 on one single meal, a meal that should have cost $11.81. What should I do? I plan to go to Chase tomorrow and explaining the problem, but after all the trouble I went through, I want my meal to be complimentary. After all this, when I finally got to sit down to eat it, my once hot meal had turned cold and the fries were soggy and gross. All because of ignorance. What should I do???
Has anyone had this happen with their dogs?
Today I switched my dogs food, from Royal Canin to Canidae All Stages. My dogs loved Royal Canin, but I wanted something better. I mixed the Royal Canin and the Canidae to wean them of the Royal Canin, and when I put it down for them, they picked out the Royal Canin and only ate the Canidae. I was just wondering if anyone had this experience with their dogs.
Dutch schooling and courtship in the 17th century???
Can anyone give me a good website for Dutch schooling and courtship in the 17th Century??? I can't find a good website about it and I'm doing a report on it...right now I have no sources
Why is it that most people in the West don't give a hoot about anyone but themselves?
There's a common expression used in Australia " F#ck you Jack I'm alright " referring to people looking after their own affairs, something similar would apply in the USA. What most people really mean is as long as I have a job, food on the table, beer in the fridge and can sit down and watch the football on the weekend, who cares what's going on in the rest of the world ? The news report is just entertainment unless one of our soldiers get zapped in Afghanistan then everyone from the PM downwards puts on a show and says oh-dear-oh-dear ! ( how can this happen ) to us ? Most people to be frank don't care too much about politics . So politicians can renege on election promises and feather their nest when in parliment and give themselves large pensions and other lurks and perks like free overseas and domestic travel when they retire or are kicked-out of politics ?
How to dampen a magnetic field?
I'm about to mount three 12" subwoofers into my car. They will be mounted in a triangular pattern, leaving two of the subwoofers about one foot away from the hard drives of a computer system I've installed in my car. How can I dampen the magnetic field to protect the disk drives, or would it even be necessary?
EARLY PREGNANCY - 5 weeks pregnant & no symptoms v worried?
Please don't worry my friend, every pregnancy is different. You may be feeling sick and have sore with one and then nothing with another. There are so many people on this site who have had no symptoms whatsoever. I have a friend who is 39 weeks pregnant and she had no symptoms at all no sore s no sickness nothing so don't worry. Some people's symptoms don't even start until much later on like week 8 etc so don't worry and enjoy your pregnancy!
Flying with no transponder...?
My friend and I are doing some work (avionic upgrades) on a 1978 Cessna 152. The aircraft is parked on a private field and we need to move it to his own private strip to do the work on it. We purchased it at its current location but the panel had been cannibalized and it has not been flown for some time. A mechanic has deemed it safe to fly on its reposition flight and my friend and I have done extensive run ups with the engine. The aircraft has no transponder. We need to fly in 7 miles to the destination. Can we legally do this without notifying the FAA?
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