Monday, August 15, 2011

Would you rather have a paid sharpshooter or coyotes introduced?

I would rather have a season and let the state make the money to fund other wildlife programs...but that's right, hunters and guns are bad. Coyotes won't bring down a full grown deer and have a heck of a time getting close to a fawn without momma stomping it to death. They don't hunt in packs except in extreme cases and / or a lot of cross breeding with dogs. In some areas with regulated seasons like NE and KS there can still be problems with controlling the population, although not near as bad as the anti-gun areas. It's kind of miraculous that in these areas when there started being a deer population issue big cat sightings started happening more and more. Cougars aren't native to those areas at all but I've even seen people asking about them on YA. If that holds true you might start seeing some big kitties in your neck of the woods.

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